Tuesday 3 April 2012

Photographing glass and chrome objects 16/03/12

During class we were to photograph glass and chrome objects. To do this we use white and black reflectors to remove and add shadows on the reflective material where needed. This gave us clean images and added depth.
Each photograph was also taken with the light source coming from behind the object, reflecters were used to fill light in on the front.

Camera: Canon 5D Mark II
Lens Focal Length: 80mm
ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/200 @ F11

Camera: Canon 5D Mark II
Lens Focal Length: 90mm
ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/200 @ F16

Camera: Canon 5D Mark II
Lens Focal Length: 105mm
ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/200 @ F16

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